UFC Mifi | Website creation — Realization | Prositeweb Inc.

UFC website development

The Union of Christian Women (UFC) is a movement that helps bring together Christian women of the Evangelical Church of Cameroon. It also wishes to promote the latter’s development, the family, society, and the Church. In reality, it is a well-structured and robust movement which works for the complete spiritual and educational development of the human being. Moreover, all this concerns the values of gender, unity, integration, and solidarity in cultural diversity.

UFC Mifi website development project

We had the opportunity to develop the UFC website. Indeed, to promote their activity, having a website was essential. So, together with the president who provided the content, we developed a strategy.

Project stages

We carried out the project in several stages, namely:

  • Needs analysis
  • Development of the site plan
  • The choice of design and technology
  • Design of the website design
  • Content Integration
  • Testing and validating

Project implementation

To make the project a success, we ensured that the site fully adapted to the context of most of the targets. Indeed, the majority of Internet users use mobile phones. In addition, the internet speed is not always excellent. We, therefore, had to reassure ourselves that we were creating a 100% mobile-friendly platform with the shortest possible execution time. Therefore, to carry out the project, we followed the following steps:

  • Creation of a custom design – Based on an HTML design purchased online, we created a WordPress template for the project. We chose to be sure to use as few extensions as possible.
  • Content Integration – We’ve made the integration, so a third party can easily manage the site.
  • Testing and Validation – To ensure that all site parameters were considered, we performed GTmetrix, SEO and W3C validation.

Validation results

At the end of our validations, we were reassured:

  • That page execution time was less than 2 seconds
  • That all pages are mobile and tablet friendly
  • That there are no HTML syntax errors!

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