WordPress via Command Line – Everything you need to know.

For web developers with advanced skills, you will definitely love using WordPress command lines. Indeed, using command lines offers several benefits such as performing tasks quickly, automating processes, etc. Most developers and website builders associate WordPress with an intuitive and accessible user interface. However, for advanced developers, it is possible to go beyond the visual interface and use command lines to accomplish tasks more efficiently. In this article, we will learn what command lines are, how they work, and how to install them for WordPress. We will end with a list of common commands and a conclusion on the benefits of using them.

What is a Command Line?

The command line is a powerful tool for interacting directly with the operating system by typing instructions. It allows:

  • to perform tasks quickly,
  • to automate processes,
  • and access advanced WordPress features that are sometimes not available in the GUI.

Several solutions like Magento, Drupal, Symfony …. strongly recommend using command lines. WordPress has joined the list by proposing an approach that you can leverage.

Why Use the Command Line with WordPress?

Using the command line, with a tool like WP-CLI (WordPress Command Line Interface), makes development much easier and faster. It’s useful for installing themes and plugins, managing users, performing updates, and much more, without having to go through the WordPress dashboard. Here’s a rough outline for a blog post on using command lines with WordPress:

How to Install WP-CLI?

WP-CLI is the most popular tool for interacting with WordPress via the command line. Here are the steps to install it:

  1. Check Prerequisites : Make sure you have PHP 5.6 or higher and that your server has shell access.
  2. Download WP-CLI : Use the following command to download WP-CLI:
     curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wp-cli/builds/gh-pages/phar/wp-cli.phar
  3. Make WP-CLI Executable :
     chmod +x wp-cli.phar
  4. Move the File : Move wp-cli.phar to a system accessible folder (e.g. /usr/local/bin/ ) and rename it to wp :
     sudo mv wp-cli.phar /usr/local/bin/wp
  5. Verify Installation : Type wp --info to confirm that WP-CLI is installed and working properly.

Common Commands for WordPress

Once WP-CLI is installed, you can start using the following commands to manage your WordPress site:

  • Update WordPress :
     wp core update
  • Update plugins :
     wp plugin update --all
  • Install a plugin :
     wp plugin install <nom-du-plugin> --activate
  • Create a new user :
     wp user create <username> <email> --role=<role>
  • Export the database :
     wp db export

    These commands are just a taste of what WP-CLI can do. There is a wide range of commands available, covering almost every aspect of managing a WordPress site.

Conclusion – WordPress via Command Line

Using the command line in WordPress offers added value for advanced developers. Not only does it save time, it also streamlines complex processes, making it easier to manage and maintain multiple WordPress sites simultaneously. While command lines may seem intimidating at first, learning them provides a deeper understanding of WordPress and increased flexibility to develop custom solutions.

This article can be enriched with screenshots, examples and practical tips to encourage developers and website creators to take advantage of WP-CLI for their own WordPress project.

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