Scam Radar is an online phishing information and awareness website. We had the pleasure of developing this website. Via this publication, we are going to present to you some main lines of this achievement. We will speak, in this case, of:
Throughout the project, there was talk of designing a web portal which would allow the managers of the website to publish the reports on the anarchs. Furthermore, external users should be able to present their experience. Thus, the original principle of the platform is to raise awareness about piracy. In other words, all visitors must possess an aptitude for learning something new. The website is structured in three parts:
The biggest challenge throughout the project was finding a design that presented the concept while being attractive. So, after several analyzes and research, we opted for a dark and more aggressive style. Indeed, you will agree that cybercrime is an issue not to be taken lightly. This indeed has an impact on the lives of people and on societies.
For the design of the Scam Radar website, we therefore opted for the WordPress solution and for this, we used tools such as Elementor and ACF . Our choice is justified by the fact that WordPress offers primary options that facilitate web design. Finally, combining WordPress with our expertise made it possible to realize a large-scale project.