The project
1- Selection of the design for the project
To get closer to the sector of activity of the Marie-Céline Institute, we shopped for designs in the bank of themes on the net. Among the proposed list, the theme you will see on the site is the one that captivated the owner the most. Indeed, she made her choice based on preferences in terms of color, sections and layout of information.
2- Choice of services to promote
Given the owner's expertise in her field, she had more experience deciding which services fit best for the holiday season. In her list, she offered us six sub-services to take for her project.
3- The technology to use
To facilitate the management of the site and the updating of information, we have used the WordPress content manager. As for the design, we created one from scratch using the HTML 5 theme. Using our expertise, we also incorporated features such as contact form, email login and marketing tool of choice.
4- Development of the Institut Marie-Céline website
We have developed the site using best practices in web development. Indeed, the application of good practices is important for performance. Once the project was completed, we proceeded to testing and validation. Here are some things we constantly check:
- Site usability – Many customers visit websites on mobiles and tablets. Thus, making sure that the website adapts 100% to all types of screens is essential.
- HTML syntax validation using W3C Validator . We use the tool proposed by W3C to be reassured of having no syntax error.
- Site Performance and Security – Our go-to platform for performance analysis is GTMetrix. Indeed, thanks to their online tool, we can have the detailed list of all the performance problems of the site.
- As for security , we use Captchas to protect the forms and the HTTPS certificate to encrypt the data.
Contact us if you have a similar project.