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How to optimize your old content for SEO using Google Search Console?

Do you want to optimize your old content for SEO? We'll see how you can leverage Google's search console for this purpose. Google Search Console offers you several elements that you can use to stand out. We will look together at how, using the “Search Results” tab, you can optimize your website. In addition, you will find the video version of this article on our YouTube channel. Therefore, we invite you to subscribe in order to develop the community.

Prerequisites for optimizing your old content for SEO

To put this little tutorial into practice, we assume that you have:

  • An Internet site
  • An account on Google Search Console.
  • Some notions of website modification or a web management panel.

If you do not have a website, you can contact us to create one at an affordable price.

To create an account on Google Search Console, you can simply visit the Google Search Console website. Via the link, you must either log in with a Gmail email address or a G-Suite email address. All Google users have access to a Google Search Console account. Google offers you some video resources to create your account.

Concerning the concepts of website modification, if your website is on a CMS such as WordPress , you can install an extension for managing the SEO of your website. In our experience, Yoast SEO seems very easy to use. If, however, you have an HTML website or other CMS, you can contact us ; it would be a pleasure to accompany you.

Steps to Optimize Your Old Content for SEO with Google Search Console

To optimize your content using Google Search Console, you can follow the steps below:

1 – Log in to your Google Search Console account.

As mentioned above, you can use a Gmail or G-Suite email address and visit the Google Search Console link.

2- Go to the “Search Results” tab

By clicking on the tab, you will have access to different searches with several tabs. You will click on “Impressions” and sort the searches in descending order. At the “Queries” level, it will be a question of exploiting keywords which have several impressions, but few clicks.

3 – Use keywords to see the type of meta-title and meta-description of competitors.

You can, for example, go to Google and search using keywords with multiple impressions.

By searching, you can target the top competitors and use their approach to improve your meta title and meta description.

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