
How to manage Shopify page content in WordPress?

How to manage Shopify page content in WordPress?

Want to know how to manage Shopify page content directly from WordPress? In this article, we’ll explore how to use the WordPress REST API to edit and refresh the content on your Shopify pages. For a business owner, Shopify’s standard WYSIWYG form can often be restrictive. Conversely, WordPress offers increased flexibility through its block editor, allowing for much greater customization. We’ll look at how to leverage these features to enrich your e-commerce content management. We’ll also cover the practicalities of this connection and discuss some important considerations to consider when implementing such integrations.

What are the advantages of using WordPress to create Shopify pages?

Using WordPress to create and manage content for Shopify pages has several notable advantages. Especially for users looking for more flexibility and control over the design and management of their content. Below are some benefits.

Centralization of content

Using WordPress to manage Shopify page content, you can centralize content creation and maintenance on a single platform. This is especially beneficial for businesses that already use WordPress for other parts of their web ecosystem.

Using the WordPress Editor

WordPress offers a more sophisticated content editor than Shopify’s WYSIWYG editor. This allows you to benefit from advanced layout and media features, such as:

  • inserting blocks for images,
  • videos,
  • quotes,
  • , etc.,

Indeed, you can format your content before sending to Shopify.

Improved content workflow

Content teams can continue to work in a WordPress environment they know well. Effectively, this allows them to use familiar tools and workflows to create and approve content before publishing it to Shopify. This way, you can improve efficiency and reduce the training time needed to learn how to use multiple systems.

Automating updates

Using the REST API, content updates can be automated between WordPress and Shopify. For example, an update to a post or page on WordPress can automatically be reflected on the corresponding Shopify page. This allows you to ensure content consistency without manual intervention.

Programmatic control

With API access, developers can create custom solutions to manipulate and display content in a more controlled way. Using this approach, you can easily send the data to Shopify.

Content optimization and preparation

Although plugins like Yoast SEO won’t directly affect Shopify SEO, they can be used to optimize content while it’s being created in WordPress. This includes:

  • title optimization,
  • media description,
  • and content structuring, important when you transfer data to Shopify.

Before connecting WordPress data to Shopify

On WordPress, you can create content, preview it, and then use the REST API to retrieve it from third-party platforms. However, it is crucial to note that for the third-party platform like Shopify to display the content like on WordPress, you need CSS and JS resources.

Ensure resource compatibility

Before transferring content from WordPress to Shopify via the REST API, it is crucial to ensure that all necessary resources, such as CSS stylesheets and JavaScript scripts, are compatible and available on Shopify . This is necessary for content displayed on Shopify to appear and function as it does on WordPress.

CSS integration

Make sure the stylesheets you use in your WordPress are available on Shopify. This includes any custom styles or CSS frameworks you might use, like Bootstrap or Tailwind.

JavaScript Synchronization

You should also port any JavaScript script that contributes to functionality or interaction on your WordPress pages to Shopify. This will ensure that any dynamic interactions or special effects work consistently after the content is transferred.

Compatibility testing

Before you complete the full content migration, run tests to verify that the content appears correctly on Shopify. You may need to adjust Shopify scripts and CSS.

By following these steps, you will effectively set the stage for a smooth transition of content from WordPress to Shopify, ensuring a consistent and professional user experience on your ecommerce platform.

Convenient integration of Shopify page content into WordPress

To use the WordPress REST API to pass content to Shopify, you need to have some knowledge of JavaScript and follow the steps below.

Configure WordPress REST API

Enable and configure the REST API on your WordPress. This includes ensuring that your WordPress is accessible securely (via HTTPS) and setting up the necessary authentications to secure communications.

Inject Content into Shopify

On Shopify, use the WYSIWYG form to create content insertion points. Each page on which you want to display WordPress content must have a unique ID that corresponds to a certain WordPress page or post.

Here is an example JavaScript script that you can use to extract content from WordPress:

    // Tableau associatif des URL de pages Shopify et leurs identifiants correspondants dans WordPress
var pagesMap = {
    "a-propos": 10,
    "pourquoi-nous": 15,
    // Ajoutez d'autres pages ici

// Fonction pour charger le contenu WordPress dans Shopify
function loadWordPressContent() {
    // Obtenir l'URL courante et extraire le chemin
    var path = window.location.pathname.split('/').pop();

    // Vérifier si le chemin fait partie des clés de notre tableau
    if (pagesMap.hasOwnProperty(path)) {
        // Récupérer l'ID WordPress correspondant à partir du tableau
        var postId = pagesMap[path];

        // Construire l'URL pour l'API REST de WordPress
        var requestURL = `https://yourwordpresssite.com/wp-json/wp/v2/posts/${postId}`;

        // Appel AJAX pour récupérer le contenu
            .then(response => response.json())
            .then(post => {
                // Injecter le contenu dans l'élément de la page Shopify
                document.getElementById('shopify-page-content').innerHTML = post.content.rendered;
            .catch(error => console.error('Error loading the post:', error));
    } else {
        console.log('No WordPress content mapped for this path.');

// Charger le contenu dès que la page est prête
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', loadWordPressContent);


Script Explanation

  1. Creation of the Associative Table ( pagesMap ) : This object contains key-value pairs where the key is the path of a Shopify page and the value is the ID of the corresponding WordPress post. This table makes it easy to manage the correspondence between Shopify pages and WordPress posts.
  2. loadWordPressContent function : This function is executed when the page is loaded. It starts by determining the current URL of the Shopify page, extracting the path, and checking if that path is a key in the pagesMap object.
  3. Content Retrieval and Injection : If the path is found in pagesMap , the script constructs a URL to access the WordPress REST API and retrieves the content of the corresponding post. This content is then injected into the HTML element of the Shopify page identified by shopify-page-content .
  4. Error Handling: The script includes basic error handling. This helps to properly capture and report any issues that occur during the API call or content injection.

Important Considerations

Managing Shopify pages from WordPress requires a good command of both platforms. Implementation errors can harm user experience and SEO performance. It is therefore crucial to test all integrations comprehensively before deploying them to production. You must also have the necessary resources for this management. For example, WordPress, as an open source system, requires a subscription-based web server with regular updates. Without proper vigilance, this can become problematic.


Integrating WordPress to manage Shopify page content provides advanced flexibility and customization. Indeed, this allows you to transform the way you can present and update your online store. However, this method requires a solid understanding of the technology and careful management to avoid complications. By implementing thorough testing and ensuring you have adequate resources to maintain the systems, you can greatly benefit from this synergy between WordPress and Shopify. This represents a valuable opportunity to optimize your online operations and improve your users’ overall experience.

Do you want to work with experts? Contact us .

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Gilblas Ngunte Possi

Gilblas Ngunte Possi

Founder and Full-Stack Developer at Prositeweb.

My proficiency with modern tools and a keen analytical sense regarding information technology enable me to provide superior guidance in the development and implementation of your web solutions.

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