
reCAPTCHA for login and registration

reCAPTCHA for login and registration

The “Recaptcha for Login and Registration” extension is a plugin that allows users to add a captcha on their login and registration pages. The main purpose of this plugin is to allow users to securely authorize their subscribers or customers to create an account on their websites. I'm confident this will go a long way in preventing spammers from creating accounts on remote users' WordPress sites. Currently available in English, the code is ready to be translated.


  1. Admin can get Recaptcha v3 API key and secret from Google.
  2. The admin can add the API information by visiting the plugin settings at Settings -> ProSiteCaptcha.
  3. Once the API is added, the plugin will automatically protect the login and registration pages from spam.
  4. Users will see the Recaptcha v3 badge at the bottom of the page.
  5. In future releases we plan to add more Recaptcha versions and more options.

How to get Recaptcha v3:

  1. Visit the website https://www.google.com/recaptcha .
  2. If you have a Gmail account, log in to access the Recaptcha dashboard.
  3. If you don't have one, create one.
  4. On the dashboard, click the plus sign to your right just after the settings icon.
  5. Fill out the form with the necessary information, such as your email, websites, the title of your captcha, and the version of the captcha you want to use. Select version 3.

What is a captcha:

A captcha is a program designed to distinguish human input from machine input. Spam often uses programming languages to crawl websites. Spammers use code to submit information without being physically present at a computer. This may result in receiving a lot of unsolicited emails or having users who are not real "customers". In some extreme cases, spammers find a way to hack your site when it is unprotected.

Is Google Recaptcha the only option for website protection:

No, Google Recaptcha is not the only option. There are many types of captcha, such as math problems, WordPress problems. In my opinion, Google Recaptcha is the most popular.

Why Google Recaptcha V3:

Google Recaptcha v3 is the latest version. One of its particularities is that it does not necessarily appear to all users. Unlike version 2, where all users had to check the box before accessing the site, V3 will only pop up the box if the system suspects the presence of spam.

Gilblas Ngunte Possi

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